Experți în politici publice

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Nume Domeniu Afiliere Poziție Sr/Jr Publicatii Referinte
Sorin Sorescu Domenii: active portfolio management, empirical asset pricing Afiliere: Texas A&M U. Professor of Finance/Head of Department Senior Publicații: Johnson, Shane, Theodore Moorman, and Sorin M. Sorescu, 2009, A Reexamination of Corporate Governance and Equity Prices, Review of Financial Studies, 22 (11), 4753‐4786. //Sorescu, Sorin M., 2000, The Effect of Options on Stock Prices: 1973‐1995, Journal of Finance, 55 (1), pp. 487‐514. mays.tamu.edu/directory/employees/327/
Alexandru Marchis Domenii: agricultural policy Afiliere: OPERA Research Center/ Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Policy Team Coordinator/Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Agricultural policy instruments to promote innovation and to ensure sustainability be.linkedin.com/pub/alexandru-marchis/28/475/88; www.opera-indicators.eu/eng/contacts/staff/Alexandru-Marchis.html
Alin Cristian Mituţa Domenii: agricultural policy; energy policy; environment policy; EU institutional policy Afiliere: Europuls/European Parliament Agriculture and regional development, Energy and environment coordinator NULL Publicații: Website articles SNSPA//U Paris X//Science Po//asistent eurodeputat
Sebastian I. Burduja Domenii: anticorruption Afiliere: Harvard U./LSRS MPP/MBA student/President Junior Publicații: BA thesis (2008) Standford: Between Hope and Disillusionment: Postcommunist Corruption in Romania www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hra/people/grad; wiki.lsrs.ro/index.php/Team/Sebastian_Burduja
Laura Stefan Domenii: anticorruption Afiliere: Romanian Academic Society Expert NULL Publicații: NULL www.sar.org.ro
Razvan Pascalau Domenii: applied econometrics Afiliere: SUNY Plattsburgh Assistant Professor of Economics Senior Publicații: Gregoriou, G. N. and Pascalau, R. (2010). Selecting Prior Year’s Top Fund of Hedge Funds as This Year’s Choice, The Journal of Wealth Management, Vol. 13, No. 2: pp. 69-75//Gregoriou, G.N. and R. Pascalau (eds.) Financial Econometrics Modelling: Market Microstructure Dynamics, Single and Multifactor Pricing Models and Financial Risk Measures, Palgrave-MacMillan,2011. faculty.plattsburgh.edu/razvan.pascalau; www.plattsburgh.edu/academics/economics/faculty/pascalau.php; www.cba.ua.edu/~rpascala/
Codrina Rada von Arnim Domenii: applied macroeconomics, economic development, economic implications of aging Afiliere: Utah U. Assistant Professor of Economics Senior Publicații: ‘Stagnation or transformation of a dual economy through endogenous productivity growth’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 31, No. 5, September 2007.//‘Can the Poor Countries Catch up? Guarded Assessments on Mainstream Assumptions for the Early 21st Century’ (with Lance Taylor) – Metroeconomica, Vol. 58, Issue 1, pp.127-154, February 2007. www.econ.utah.edu/~crada/
Adrian Stoian Domenii: applied microeconomics, labor economics Afiliere: California State U. Assistant Professor of Economics Senior Publicații: “Welfare Spending and Mortality Rates for the Elderly Before the Social Security Era” (with Price V. Fishback) Explorations in Economic History 47 (2010) 1-27, NBER Working Paper 14970//“Measuring the Sorting and Incentive Effects of Tournament Prizes” (with Tim Davies) Southern Economic Association Meeting, New Orleans, 2007 www.cbe.csueastbay.edu/~astoian/
Nicolae Gârleanu Domenii: asset pricing, financial innovations Afiliere: California U. Berkeley Associate Professor Senior Publicații: “”Pricing and Portfolio Choice in Illiquid Markets”” Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 144 (2009), no. 2, pp. 532-564.//””Demand-Based Option Pricing”” (with Lasse Heje Pedersen and Allen Poteshman) Review of Financial Studies, vol. 22 (2009), no. 10, pp. 4259-4299. www2.haas.berkeley.edu/Faculty/garleanu_nicolae.aspx; faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/garleanu/
Marius Popescu Domenii: asymmetric information, initial public offerings Afiliere: Massachusetts U. Assistant Professor of Finance Senior Publicații: Popescu, Marius and Raman Kumar, 2009, “An Ex-ante Measure of the Probability of Informed Trading”, working paper, UMass Boston and Virginia Tech//Popescu, Marius and Zhaojin Xu, 2009, “Underwriting Syndicates, Information, and the Secondary Market Liquidity of Initial Public Offerings”, working paper, UMass Boston and Washington State University www.management.umb.edu/faculty/popsecu_marius.php
Maria Polipciuc Domenii: behavioral economics, experimental economics Afiliere: Maastricht U. Lecturer Junior Publicații: M.A. thesis 2010: Collective versus individual sanctioning in public goods games with uncertainty : an experimental design www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Main1/SiteWide/SiteWide3/PolipciucMaria.htm; www.fdewb.unimaas.nl/algec/teaching_fellows.asp; econosofia.wordpress.com/membri/
Alexandru Grigorescu Domenii: changes in intergovernmental organizations, accountability and transparency Afiliere: Loyola U. Associate Professor of Political Science/Interim Director of the International Studies Program Senior Publicații: “Interactions among Intergovernmental Organizations in the Anti-Corruption Realm” (with Nathaniel Gest), Review of International Organizations, 5(1), 2010, pp. 53-72 /“Horizontal Accountability in Intergovernmental Organizations,” Ethics & International Affairs, 22(3), 2008, pp. 285-308. www.luc.edu/faculty/agrigor/nav_bar2.htm; www.carnegiecouncil.org/people/data/alexandru_grigorescu.html
Gabriella Petrea Domenii: child protection Afiliere: CEU/Sibiu Directia de Protectie a Copilului MA Public Policy graduate/Consilier social NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2005)EU Social Policy in the Enlarged European Union – the Case of Equal Opportunities Policy Implementation in Hungary NULL
Dumbrava Costica Domenii: citizenship, ethnicity, migration Afiliere: European University Institute Ph.D. candidate Political and Social Science Senior Publicații: 2010. How illiberal are citizenship rules in European Union countries? RSCAS Working Papers 2010/50, EUDO Citizenship Observatory./2007. “”Citizenship Regulations in Eastern Europe. Acquisition of Citizenship at Birth and through Regular Naturalization in Sixteen Postcommunist Countries.”” CEU Political Science Journal 2 (4):450-72. costicadumbrava.home.ro/; eudo-citizenship.eu/people/consortium-members/189-dumbrava-costica; eui.academia.edu/CosticaDumbrava; costicadumbrava.blogspot.com/p/my-schools.html
Alexandru Bucataru Domenii: civil society development Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2009) Moldovan Think Tanks: Aiming for Increased Influence over the Policy Process publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0809; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=64063208&authType=name&authToken=9H8v&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Cristina Rigman (Nicolescu) Domenii: civil society, citizen participation Afiliere: Pro Vorbis Development Director Senior Publicații: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars project report (2006) Bridging Societal Gaps – Educational Policy As a Tool for Developing Socially Responsible Elites; Policy study (2006) Business and Economics Graduates: Socially Responsible or Socially Alienated? www.policy.hu/cnicolescu/index.html; www.provobis.ro/2_2_echipa/echipa_en.php; ro.linkedin.com/pub/cristina-rigman/1b/753/b
Mihail Chiru Domenii: communist revolutions, legislative politics , voting behavior Afiliere: CEU Ph.D. candidate Political Science Junior Publicații: M.A. dissertation (2010): Legislative recruitment and electoral system change : the case of Romania pds.ceu.hu/profiles/phd-student/mihail_chiru, ceu.academia.edu/MihailChiru
Delia Alexandru Popescu Domenii: comparative political theory, Eastern European political theory Afiliere: LeMoyne College Professor Senior Publicații: Popescu, Delia. “”Havel’s Anti-politics: Human Rights, Czech Dissidence and Democratic Reconstruction”” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Theory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners, New Orleans Hilton Riverside Hotel, The Loews New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA, Feb 17, 2010/Delia A. Popescu “”State and Felon: Individual Culpability as State Policy in Communist Romania””, Associtation for Political Theory, College Station Conference, Texas, 2009, 22-24 Oct. www.lemoyne.edu/UNDERGRADUATE/PoliticalScience/Faculty/tabid/1023/Default.aspx
Claudiu V Dimofte Domenii: consumer behavior Afiliere: Georgetown U. School of Business Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Dimofte, Claudiu V. and Richard F. Yalch (2010), “The Role of Product Category Familiarity and Temporal Orientation in Self-Referent Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (3)./Dimofte, Claudiu V. and Richard F. Yalch (2007), “Consumer Response to Polysemous Brand Slogans,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (4), 515-522. explore.georgetown.edu/people/cvd4/?Action=View&PageTemplateID=319; www9.georgetown.edu/faculty/cvd4/
Irina Stefanescu Domenii: corporate finance, pension plans Afiliere: Indiana U. Assistant Professor of Finance Senior Publicații: Shivdasani, Anil and Irina Stefanescu, 2010, “”How do pensions affect capital structure decisions?””, Review of Financial Studies, 23, 1287-1323.//Rauh, Joshua and Irina Stefanescu, 2009, “”Why are firms in the United States Abandoning Defined Benefit Plans””,Rotman International Journal of Pension Management, 2(2), 18-25. kelley.iu.edu/facultyglobal/FacultyProfile.cfm?ID=8603 ; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=343666
Alexandra Hudina Domenii: corporate social responsibility Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2010) The Role of the United Nations Global Compact in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in Russia publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0910; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=69976511&authType=name&authToken=tteS&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ndir_viewmore
Roxana Botea Domenii: defense policy, international security, counterterrorism Afiliere: Maxwell School Syracuse U. Ph.D. candidate Political Science/Teaching Assistant Senior Publicații: Taylor, Brian. and Botea, Roxana. “”Does War Make the State? or Just the European State?”” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Marriott, Loews Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, Aug 31, 2006// Brian D. Taylor and Roxana Botea, ―Tilly Tally: War-Making and State-Making in the Contem-porary Third World,‖ International Studies Review 10.1 (March 2008), 27–56, 28. student.maxwell.syr.edu/psgsa/bios/roxana_botea.htm
Catalina Stefanescu-Cuntze Domenii: demand modeling, methods for managerial decision making Afiliere: ESMT-European School of Management and Technology Associate Professor/Director of Research Senior Publicații: Stefanescu, C., and D. V. Mehrotra (2008). A more powerful average bioequivalence analysis for the 2×2 crossover. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 37(1): 212–221./Stefanescu, C., R. Tunaru, and S. Turnbull (2009). The credit rating process and estimation of transition probabilities: A Bayesian approach. Journal of Empirical Finance 16(2): 216–234. www.esmt.org/eng/faculty-research/catalina-stefanescu-cuntze; faculty.london.edu/cstefanescu/
Monica Ciobanu Domenii: democracy studies Afiliere: SUNY Plattsburgh Assistant Professor of Sociology Senior Publicații: “”Teaching History and Building a Democratic Future.”” Democracy & Education (June 2008, Vol. 17, No. 3, 58-62).//””2004 Romanian Elections: A Test for Democratic Consolidation?”” (with Michael Shafir). RFE/RL East European Perspectives (April 2005, Vol. 7, Number 3). web.plattsburgh.edu/academics/sociology/faculty/ciobanu.php
George Tudor Florea Domenii: democracy studies, ethnic studies Afiliere: CEU Ph.D. candidate Political Science Senior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Ethnic Political Alliance in the Making – Different Contexts – Similar Patterns? A Study of the Main Ethnic Political Parties’ Electoral Strategies Pursued in Post-Authoritarian Spain, Romania, and Bulgaria//Florea, George-Tudor, Sleeping with the Devil? Inter-Ethnic Coalition Formation in Eastern Europe’s New Democracies or the Transnationalisation of Domestic Contentious Ethnic Politics (2010). APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper web.ceu.hu/polsci/current/phdstudents.htm; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1643226#1539294
Oana Lup Domenii: democracy studies, transition Afiliere: CEU Ph.D. candidate Political Science Senior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: The Transformation of Social Network Structure in Democratic Transition: Does it Influence Individual Political Behavior?//Paper prepared for the Annual Doctoral Conference, 13-14 April, Budapest, 2008: When do alters’ influence matters? An analysis of the political relevance of personal networks in Hungary web.ceu.hu/polsci/current/phdstudents.htm
Doru Franţescu Domenii: democratization Afiliere: Europuls/Qvorum/Votewatch.eu Permanent collaborator/Director/Co-founder NULL Publicații: n/a U Bucuresti/asistent eurodeputat
Lavinia Stan Domenii: democratization, religion and politics Afiliere: St Francis Xavier U. Associate Professor Senior Publicații: Lavinia Stan. ed. Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (Routledge, 2009)/Lavinia Stan and Lucian Turcescu. Religion and Politics in Post-Communist Romania (Oxford University Press, 2005) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavinia_Stan; people.stfx.ca/lstan/Lala/Welcome.html; stfx.academia.edu/LaviniaStan
Stela Garaz Domenii: democratization; ethnic politics Afiliere: CEU PhD candidate/Teaching Assistant Senior Publicații: “The Impact of the Horizontal Concentration of Power on Ethnic Mobilization in Post-Soviet Georgia”, in G. Elftherakis et.al (eds.), Infusing Research and Knowledge in South East Europe, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference, Vol. 2, Thessaloniki, 2009.// Determining and Explaining the Differences in Governmental Policies towards the Ethnic Minorities in the Baltic States and Moldova – BalticStudyNet Working Papers 4/2006. www.ceu.hu/profiles/phd-student/stela_garaz
Andrea Gereoffy Domenii: development Afiliere: Arcadia(Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development)/Ogilvy member Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2006) The influence of European integration on Hungary’s migration policies publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0506; www.personal.ceu.hu/students/05/Andrea_Gereoffy/gereoffy_andi_en.pdf
Daniela Bolganschi Domenii: development Afiliere: CEU/Center for Policy Studies MA Public Policy graduate/Junior Research Fellow Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2008) Determinants of FDI Flows to Transition Economies: Evidence from Moldova/ (2010)The Impact of out Rural Migration on Land Use in Moldova publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0708; cps.ceu.hu/bolganschi.html
Cristian Pop-Eleches Domenii: development economics, health, education, demography Afiliere: Columbia U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “The Impact of an Abortion Ban on Socio-Economic Outcomes of Children: Evidence fromRomania”. Journal of Political Economy 114(4), 2006/“Vocational Training versus General Education: Evidence from an Economy in Transition,” joint with Ofer Malamud, Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(1),2010 www.columbia.edu/~cp2124/; sipa.columbia.edu/academics/directory/cp2124-fac.html
Valentin Ariton Domenii: development policies, public administration reforms Afiliere: Hertie School of Governance NULL NULL Publicații: NULL NULL
Stefan Cibian Domenii: development policy, international relations; higher education Afiliere: CEU PhD candidate/Teaching Assistant Senior Publicații: MA dissertation (2006) Foreign aid in disarray: theoretical gaps and policy failures; 2008 – ―An International Relations Theory Perspective on Development Aid and Its Role in Shaping the Post-1945 World Order,‖ pp. 149-183, in EuroPolis, Journal of Political Analysis and Theory, No.3/2008. publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0506 ; www.ceu.hu/cibian
Emese Lazar Domenii: econometrics Afiliere: Reading U. Lecturer in Finance Senior Publicații: Modelling Regime Specific Stock Volatility Behaviour (with Carol Alexander) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2009), vol. 71 (6), pp. 761 – 797//Option Valuation with Normal Mixture GARCH Models (with Alex Badescu and Reg Kulperger) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics (2008), vol. 12 (2) article 5 www.icmacentre.ac.uk/about_us/academic_staff/dr_emese_lazar
Elena-Ivona Dumitrescu Domenii: econometrics Afiliere: Orléans U. Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Candelon Bertrand & Dumitrescu Elena-Ivona & Hurlin Christophe, 2010. “”Currency Crises Early Warning Systems: why they should be Dynamic,”” Research Memoranda 047, Maastricht : METEOR, Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organization. www.univ-orleans.fr/deg/masters/ESA/CV/Elena-Ivona%20DUMITRESCU.pdf
Mihai Manea Domenii: econometrics, microeconomics, game theory Afiliere: MIT Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “”Axioms for Deferred Acceptance”” (with Fuhito Kojima), Econometrica 2010//””Asymptotic Ordinal Inefficiency of Random Serial Dictatorship,”” Theoretical Economics 2009 econ-www.mit.edu/faculty/manea
Monica Vasile Domenii: economic antropology Afiliere: Max Planck Institute for Social Antropology Research Fellow NULL Publicații: PhD(2008) Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest; thesis on “”Re-establishing a common property regime, obstea, in Vrancea, Romania: The forest as social relations of property and power”” NULL
Liviu Mantescu Domenii: economic antropology Afiliere: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Ph.D Candidate NULL Publicații: (current) When Transnational Governance Hits the Ground: Conflicts between the European Natura 2000 Regulation and Community-based Institutions for Managing Natural Resources NULL
Cristina Stănculescu Domenii: economic policy Afiliere: Europuls/ULB Economy coordinator/PhD candidate NULL Publicații: Website articles FSP, U Bucuresti//ULB//doctorand ULB
Corneliu Harea Domenii: economic policy Afiliere: Europuls/Barclays Banks Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles Rep Moldova//Paris-Dauphine//blog
Fulvia Anca Constantin Domenii: economics Afiliere: Utah U. Ph.D. candidate Economics/Graduate Teaching Assistant Junior Publicații: n/a faculty.utah.edu/u0476443-FULVIA_ANCA_CONSTANTIN/contact/index.hml
Ioana Cernivcean Domenii: economics/accounting Afiliere: Crowe Horwath Sydney Senior Accountant Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2000) Internet Development and Pricing Mechanisms for End-Users www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=19977409&authType=name&authToken=AjoE&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5
Simona Carmen Pop Domenii: economics/accounting Afiliere: Bombardier Transportation/CEU Alumni Romania Chapter Manager Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2000) Reform of Corporate Governance: Tool or Constraint on Enterprise Transition? alumnicareer.ceu.hu/alumni-chapters/romania; ro.linkedin.com/pub/simona-carmen-pop/7/9b3/ba0; Reform of Corporate Governance: Tool or Constraint on Enterprise Transition?
Braun-Erdei Horia Domenii: Economic and Monetary Affairs Afiliere: ING Pensii Director Investitii Senior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2002) Does Openness Really Matter for Inflation? Cross-country Evidence www.membersocieties.org/romania/Lists/Events%20Calendar/Attachments/14/CV%20Horia%20Braun.pdf ; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5
Cristian Hatu Domenii: education Afiliere: Romanian Academic Society Expert NULL Publicații: NULL www.sar.org.ro
Dana Sapatoru Domenii: education Afiliere: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Research Consultant Senior Publicații: “Educational Reforms in Eastern Europe: Shifts, Innovation, Restoration” (with H. Daun). Educational Restructuring in the Context of Globalization and National Policies. Holger Daun (ed.). New York: Garlands, forthcoming August 2001./Earle, John S., Andrén, Daniela and Sapatoru, Dana, The Wage Effects of Schooling Under Socialism and in Transition: Evidence from Romania, 1950-2000 (November 2004). W.E. Upjohn Institute Staff Working Paper No. 04-108. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=634083 web.ceu.hu/labor/sapatorucv.doc; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=334251
Réka Plugor Domenii: education; labour markets Afiliere: Leicester U. PhD candidate/Research assistant Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2009) Transitions from higher education to the world of work goya.ceu.hu/search~S0?/aPlugor%2C+R{226}eka/aplugor+reka/-3%2C-1%2C0%2CB/frameset&FF=aplugor+reka&1%2C1%2C
Todor Arpad Domenii: e-Government Afiliere: European University Institute Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Software Industry Evolution in Central and Eastern Europe www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/PoliticalAndSocialSciences/People/Researchers/Researchers2007.aspx
Geanina Diana Moraru Domenii: e-government; local development Afiliere: CEU/Centrul pentru Politici Publice MA Public Policy graduate/Project Manager Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2010) Anatomy of E-Government: Assessment of Municipal E-Government Services in Romania publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0910; www.cenpo.ro/cenpo/Echipa.html; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=21921481&authType=name&authToken=NG_H&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Daniela Nemerenco Domenii: electoral politics Afiliere: Bessemer Venture Partners Investment Analyst Junior Publicații: BA thesis (2008) Electoral Politics in Eastern Europe, with a focus on Romanian, Estonian, and Moldovan party politics www.iacocca-lehigh.org/web%20docs/Panel%20Bios/Alumni/NEMERENCO%20DANIELA%202009%20BIO.PDF; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=8255524&authType=name&authToken=OKq-&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Marina Popescu Domenii: electoral systems, media studies Afiliere: Essex U./GRSP Postdoctoral Fellow/Affiliated expert Senior Publicații: ‘Romania. Public Opinion and its Study’ in the Encyclopedia of Public Opinion Ed. John Geer, NY: ABC Clio, 2004/ ‘Embodying Democracy: the Design of Electoral Systems in Post-Communist Europe’ (collective authorship Sarah Birch, Frances Millard, Marina Popescu and Kieran Williams) Macmillan – Palgrave, 2002 www.crpe.ro/old/eng/pagini/experti-afiliati.php; www.policy.hu/popescu/
Gabriel Trăistaru Domenii: energy policy Afiliere: Europuls Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles U Bucuresti//Marketing Specialist Enel Romania
Adina Crişan-Revol Domenii: energy policy Afiliere: Europuls/Science Po Colaborator permanent/Asistent Universitar/Phd candidate NULL Publicații: NULL Reims//Paris Sorbone//College of Europe//Science Po
Ion Bogdan Vasi Domenii: energy, environment Afiliere: Columbia U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “”Social Movements and Industry Development: The Environmental Movement’s Impact on the Wind Energy Industry.”” (2009) Mobilization: An International Journal, 14: 315-336./ “”The Fist of the Working Class: The Social Movements of Jiu Valley Miners in Post-Socialist Romania.”” (2004) East European Politics and Societies. 18: 132-157. sipa.columbia.edu/academics/directory/bv2125-fac.html; www.columbia.edu/~bv2125/
Alexandru Chirmiciu Domenii: energy, transition economies Afiliere: EBRD Principal Economist/PhD Senior Publicații: Chirmiciu, A. (2003), “”Competition and Industrial Performance During Transition:Evidence from Hungary.””; MA dissertation CEU (1999) Regional Focus of Economists and the Success of Transition”” www.econ.cam.ac.uk/phd/AC296/cv.htm; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5
Ovidiu Bujorean Domenii: entrepreneurship Afiliere: Rudyard Partners Senior Associate Junior Publicații: Rapoarte UNDP, project manager openwetware.org/wiki/Ovidiu_Bujorean; www.rudyardpartners.com/general-partners/ovi-bujorean/; www.thecapitalnetwork.org/about.advisors.OBujorean.php
Cosmina Băjan Domenii: environment Afiliere: Europuls Permanent collaborator/Freelancer journalism NULL Publicații: Website articles FSP U Bucuresti/articole environment pe www.infomediu.eu
Natalia Zugravu Domenii: environmental and energy economics, economy of transition Afiliere: Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne U. Lecturer Senior Publicații: Ph.D. thesis: Trade, Growth, FDI and the Environment: Case of transition economies/Zugravu N. [2010], ” Employment impact of climate policy: a literature review. What challenges while moving the EU targets beyond 20% GHG reduction by 2020? ” , Climate Strategies sites.google.com/site/nataliazugravu/
Marius-Ionut Ochea Domenii: environmental economics, game theory Afiliere: Tilburg U. post doc researcher Senior Publicații: Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on Nonlinear Evolutionary Game Dynamics/ MA dissertation CEU: Inflation and Skills-Driven Growth: R&D and Learning-by-Doing Cases www.tinbergen.nl/alumni-association/alumni.php?id=444; www.tilburguniversity.edu/webwijs/show/?uid=m.i.ochea
Alina Szabo Domenii: environmental policy; natural resource management Afiliere: CEU PhD candidate Senior Publicații: Szabo, E.A., Lawrence, A., Iusan, C. and Canney, S. 2008. Participatory protected area management – a case study from Rodna Mountains National Park, Romania. The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management, Vol. 4, No. 4: 187-199. // Lawrence, A. and Szabo, E.A. 2005. Forest Restitution in Romania: Challenging the Value Systems of Foresters and Farmers. Proceedings of Scientific Symposium European Forests in Ethical Discourse. Berlin, Germany. www.ceu.hu/profiles/phd-student/alina_szabo
Victor Cebotari Domenii: ethnic diversity, migration Afiliere: Maastricht U. Post-doctoral researcher Senior Publicații: COMPASSS Working Paper 2010-57: Protesting Ethnic Minorities in Europe: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis//Ph.D. thesis: The Conflicting Demands of Ethnic Diversity The Determinants of Ethnic Mobilisation in Europe www.fdcw.unimaas.nl/staff/default.asp?id=398; www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Schools/MGSoG/Thema1/AboutUs/Staff/AffiliatedResearchers/VictorCebotari.htm
Natalia Timuş Domenii: EU democracy promotion, democracy studies Afiliere: Maastricht U. Lecturer of Political Science Senior Publicații: “EU as an Atomic System: the Influence of European Union on its Members and Outsiders,” CEU Political Science Journal 3(2), 2008: 148-167//“The Role of Public Opinion in EU Policy-Making. The Case of EU Enlargement,” Perspectives on European Politics and Society 7, 2006: 336-347 www.fdcw.unimaas.nl/staff/default.asp?id=362
Ruxandra Paul Domenii: EU enlargement, international migration Afiliere: Harvard U. Ph.D. candidate Political Science Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Socio-political consequences of transnational migration for the migrants’ countries of origin www.gov.harvard.edu/people/ruxandra-paul
Roxana Bratu Domenii: EU funds, anticorruption Afiliere: LSE Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Actors, practices and network of corruption: the case of Romania’s accession to EU funds www2.lse.ac.uk/sociology/whoswho/research%20students.aspx
Nicu Popescu Domenii: European eastern neighbourhood policy; Moldova Afiliere: European Council on Foreign Relations Senior Research Fellow Senior Publicații: “Can the EU win the peace in Georgia?”, ECRF Policy Brief, 24 August 2008, Nicu Popescu, Mark Leonard and Andrew Wilson./“Internationalizing the Georgia-Abkhazia Conflict Resolution Process: Why a Greater European Role is Needed“, GMF Policy Brief; Ron Asmus, Svante E. Cornell, Antje Herrberg, and Nicu Popescu, June 2008. ecfr.eu/content/profile/C28/; www.policy.hu/npopescu/; npopescu.unimedia.md/biografie/
Ramona Uniță Domenii: european funding Afiliere: AdminConsult/CEU Manager/MA Public Policy graduate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2006) Joining the EU’s multi-level system of governance – Is there an East European model of regionalization? The case of Hungary and Romania publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0506 ; www.finantare-fonduri.ro/index4.html
Diana Ioana Toda Domenii: european integration Afiliere: Peace Corps Romania Assistant Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU(2008) Assessing the Effects of European Integration: Europeanizing the Romanian Party System? publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0708; www.peacecorps.ro/about/staff-biographies/country-directors-office/; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=95766702&authType=name&authToken=R-xC&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Cristina Gherasimov Domenii: european integration Afiliere: Wroclaw U. MA graduate student Junior Publicații: Institute of Public Affairs Poland (2006) Information campaigns for EU accession www.soros.org/initiatives/scholarship/focus_areas/undergraduate_exchange/grantees/gherasimov-2004; www.isp.org.pl/files/5884359660553471001168861631.pdf
Vlad F. Perju Domenii: european law, constitutionalism in Eastern Europe Afiliere: Boston College Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “”Reason and Authority in the European Court of Justice.”” Virginia Journal of International Law 49, no.2 (Winter 2009): 307-377./””Comparative Constitutionalism and the Making of A New World Order.”” Constellations 12 (2005): 464-486. www.ces.fas.harvard.edu/people/p276.html; www.bc.edu/schools/law/fac-staff/deans-faculty/perjuv.html; www.contributors.ro/author/vlad-perju/?bio
Silviu Popa Domenii: european policy Afiliere: Europuls/Science Po-Dijon Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles; (coauthor) Les coopérations transfrontalières en Hongrie depuis 1989: dépasser l’histoire par le développement NULL
Elena-Claudia Moise Domenii: financial crises, asset pricing, market microstructure Afiliere: Case Western Reserve U./ Chicago U. Assistant Professor of Finance Senior Publicații: Working Paper: Banks and Financial Crises (with CNV Krishnan), 2010//Nonpoint Source Runoff Modeling: A Comparison of a Forested Watershed and an Urban Watershed on the SC Coast (with C. Corbett, M. Wahl, D. Porter and D. Edwards), J. of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 213: 133-149, 1997//Ph.D. dissertation (2006) Stochastic Volatility and Stock Returns: Evidence from Microstructure Data weatherhead.case.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?idDM=327757; w4.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/facultyindex.cgi?id=572
Alina Sorescu Domenii: financial impact of marketing activities, branding Afiliere: Texas A&M U. Associate Professor of Marketing/Associate Director of the Marketing PhD Program Senior Publicații: Sorescu, Alina and Jelena Spanjol (2008), “Innovation’s Effect on Firm Value and Risk: Insights from Consumer Packaged Goods,” Journal of Marketing, 72(2), 114-132.//Sorescu, Alina, Venkatesh Shankar and Tarun Kushwaha (2007), “New Product Preannouncements and Shareholder Value: Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44(3), 468-489. mays.tamu.edu/directory/employees/325/
Calin Nicolae Domenii: financial policy Afiliere: Financial Analyst Financial Analyst Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2000) International Trade and Income per Capita: An Empirical Analysis of the Causality Issue alumnicareer.ceu.hu/alumni-note/2010-07-22/calin-nicolae; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5
Ioan Florin Olaru Domenii: financial policy Afiliere: Cornerstone Research Associate Senior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2001) The Equity Premium Puzzle in a Monetary Economy with Durable Goods; (2010) Trading and Voting in Distressed Firms, Paul Woolley Center, Working Paper Series www.lse.ac.uk/collections/paulWoolleyCentre/WorkingPapers/dp656PWC12.pdf; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5
Octavian Ionici Domenii: financial policy Afiliere: American U. , Kogod School of Business Executive in Residence Senior Publicații: Octavian Ionici, Kenneth Small, Steve Kramer, Applying real options analysis to value the GM-Fiat strategic joint venture, International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, Volume 2, Number 4 / 2009; Small, K. W., Ionici, O. E., Zhu, H., Size does matter: An examination of the economic impactof Sarbanes-Oxley, Review of Business, 27, Summer, (2007), p. pp. 47-55. www.american.edu/kogod/faculty/oionici.cfm
Monica Neamtiu Domenii: financial reporting issues, earnings management Afiliere: Arizona U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Credit Rating Properties: Timeliness, Accuracy and Volatility” (co-authored with Mei Cheng, University of Arizona) 2009, Journal of Accounting and Economics//“Banks’ Asset Securitization and Information Uncertainty” (co-authored with Mei Cheng and Dan Dhaliwal, University of Arizona) – under review at the Accounting Review accounting.eller.arizona.edu/faculty/neamtiu.asp
Cristina D. Checherita Domenii: fiscal policies, sovereign debt, growth Afiliere: European Central Bank Economist, Fiscal Affairs Division Senior Publicații: ECB Working Papers 1237 (2010) Cristina Checherita and Philipp Rother, The impact of high and growing government debt on economic growth: an empirical investigation for the euro area/ECB Working Papers 1131 (2009) Maria-Grazia Attinasi, Cristina Checherita and Christiane Nickel, What explains the surge in euro area sovereign spreads during the financial crisis of 2007-09? policy.gmu.edu/tabid/461/default.aspx
Raluca Maria Popa Domenii: gender equality Afiliere: CEU/Center for Policy Studies Ph.D. Candidate/Junior Research Fellow Senior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2003) Socialism and Gender (In)equality : Gender Relations in Socialist Theory and in the Context of Late Socialist Family and Reproductive Policies in Hungary, Poland and Romania/“Women Activists from Hungary and Romania in the International Women’s Year (1975): Translating Equality between Women and Men across Cold War Divides” in Shana Penn and Jill Massino (eds.) Gender and Everyday Life under State Socialism in East and Central Europe: New Scholarship from the United States and Europe (Palgrave, forthcoming 2009). cps.ceu.hu/popa.html
Monica Popescu Domenii: gender studies, Eastern Europe and postcommunism Afiliere: McGill U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “Cultural Liminality and Hybridity: The Romanian Transition.” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. The Paradoxes of Progress: Globalization and Postsocialist Cultures. (Special Issue). 86 (Fall 2001). 47-68./The Politics of Violence in Post-communist Films. Brasov, Romania: Concordia, 1999 www.mcgill.ca/english/staff/popescu/
Mircea Ioan Marcu Domenii: health economics, econometrics Afiliere: Florina U. post Ph.D. Senior Publicații: Marcu, I. M. “Quality Provision in Two-Sided Markets: the Case of Managed Care.” ; Knapp, C., Madden, V., Marcu, I. M., Sloyer, P., and Shenkman, E. 2010. “Parents’ Experiences in Choosing a Health Plan for their Children with Special Health Care Needs,” in press, online first, Maternal and Child Health Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10995-010-0581-z. sites.google.com/site/mirceamarcu/home; www.ichp.ufl.edu/palliative_care/who
Ramona Stone Domenii: health policies, family and child welfare Afiliere: Kentucky U. Associate Professor Senior Publicații: Stone, R., Hendrix, S. (2010) “Evaluation of the Youth Alcohol Initiative Program in the „Bourbon Country‟ of Kentucky” Journal of Social Research & Policy Vol. 2010, No. 1//Stone, R., Barbee, A., Patrick, D. (2007) “An Approach to Housing for the Poor in the United States: HOPE VI Revitalization in the Clarksdale Neighborhood” Social Work Review, Bucharest, Romania Vol. 2007 No. 3-4 www.mc.uky.edu/publichealth/ramonastone.html
Lucia Padure Domenii: higher education reforms Afiliere: Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Canada Senior Policy Advisor Senior Publicații: Padure, Lucia, and Jones, Glen A. (2009). Policy Networks and Research on Higher Education Governance and Policy. In J. Huisman (ed.), International Perspectives on Governance of Higher Education Systems: Alternative Frameworks for Coordination (pp. 107-125). New York and London: Routledge.//Ph.D. thesis (2009) Toronto U: THE POLITICS OF HIGHER EDUCATION REFORMSIN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE.DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA www.kokkalisfoundation.gr/page.ashx?pid=14&aid=159&cid=15&qcid=71; cide.oise.utoronto.ca/people/profile_expanded.php?sID=4458
Cristina Gheorghiu-Stephens Domenii: immigration, acculturation, family Afiliere: Kennesaw State U. Lecturer of Sociology Senior Publicații: Ph.D. thesis (2005) Does Commitment Matter? A Comparative Gender Analysis of Work Commitment and Labor Market Outcomes in Western-Capitalist and Former-Socialist Countries/Dr. Darina Lepadatu and Dr. Gheorghiu- Stephens pre-sented, “Teaching Sociology in Georgia: Experi-ences and Challenges of International Faculty” at the annual meeting of Georgia Sociological Association, Saint Simons’ Island, GA, October 23-25, 2008. scj.hss.kennesaw.edu/about/faculty-staff/cristina-gheorghiu-stephens/; www2.gsu.edu/~wwwsoc/2765.html; www.kennesaw.edu/scj/docs/Newsletter/fa08.pdf
Simona Mateut Domenii: industrial economics Afiliere: Nottingham U. Lecturer Senior Publicații: Sarah Bridges & Simona Mateut, 2009. “”Attitudes towards immigration in Europe,”” Working Papers; MA dissertation CEU (1999) Analysis of Bank Portfolio Quality – Case Study: Romania www.nottingham.ac.uk/nubs/lizsm1.html; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5
Roxana Toma Postolache Domenii: industrial organization, public economics Afiliere: Capital U. Assistant Professor Economics and Finance Junior Publicații: Ph.D. dissertation: The Corporate Merger Phenomenon: Determinants And Changes In Merger Policies Evidence For Acquiring Firms 1986 – 1998// www.capital.edu/27048/
Aurora Trif Domenii: industrial relations; labour migration Afiliere: Dublin City University Business School PhD; lecturer NULL Publicații: Trif, A. (2008) ‘The Impact of Privatization on the Restructuring of Large Companies: Evidence from Romania’. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 8 (2)//Trif, A. (2007) ‘Collective Bargaining in Eastern Europe: Case Study Evidence from Romania’, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (2) pp. 239–258 NULL
Ana Otilia Nutu Domenii: Infrastructure Afiliere: Romanian Academic Society Expert NULL Publicații: NULL www.sar.org.ro
Aura Matei Domenii: institutional analysis, economic sociology Afiliere: Institute for Humane Sciences/CADI/Univestitatea de Sociologie Buc. Research Associate/Coordonator Programe/Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Romanian Capitalism, a Socio-Economic Perspective. Economic Sociology Frameworks and Interpretations www.iwm.at/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=410&Itemid=91
Andreea-Raluca Leru Domenii: institutional development Afiliere: CEU/GRSP Society MA Public Policy graduate/Project Leader Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2009) Comparative Analysis of Informal Institution in the Romanian Provinces of Transylvania and Moldavia publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0809; www.grspsociety.org/member/andreea-raluca-leru
Ioana Negru Domenii: institutional economics, economics of gift and corruption Afiliere: Anglia Ruskin U. Senior Lecturer, Economics Senior Publicații: Reflections on Pluralism in Economics””, International Journal for Pluralism in Economics Education, vol.1 (1): 3-20 (Inaugural issue) //””From Fragmentation to Ontologically Reflexive Pluralism””, Ioana Negru and Vinca Bigo, Journal of Philosophical Economics, vol.1 (2):127-150 Special issue (2008); www.anglia.ac.uk/ruskin/en/home/faculties/aibs/staff_profiles/all_staff/ioana_negru.html
Olga Nicoara Domenii: institutions and development, entrepreneurship Afiliere: George Mason U./CADI Ph.D. candidate economics/research associate Junior Publicații: Mercatus Policy Essay No.05, Summer 2010, Understand Institutions and Institutional Change in Weak Post-Soviet Democracies: The Case of “Doing Business” Reforms in Moldova mercatus.org/olga-nicoara;
Mihaela Vieru Domenii: internal policy Afiliere: Europuls Politics coordinator NULL Publicații: Website articles U Bucuresti//Aix-en-Provence//ULB
Estera Barbarasa Domenii: international development Afiliere: Harvard U. MPP student Junior Publicații: Report(2010) Catalyzing Support for Small Growing Businesses in Developing Countries: Mapping the Policies of International Development Donors & Investors ja-jp.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=115312950064&topic=6993; www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hra/people/grad; www.aspeninstitute.org/publications/catalyzing-support-small-growing-businesses-developing-countries-mapping-policies-inter
Linda Peia Domenii: international development Afiliere: Ashoka Change Manager Senior Publicații: Paper (2007) The Dynamics of Exporting Subcontractor Networks: Furniture Producer Networks in Jepara, Central Java//MPA thesis (2007) with Nina Bilandzic, Leslie Feinzaig, Daniel Kafie, Jorge Novis Neto, The Apparel Cluster in Honduras fec.ashoka.org/content/linda-peia; www.kokkalisfoundation.gr/page.ashx?pid=14&aid=164&cid=15&qcid=71
Radu Tatucu Domenii: international development, social entrepreneurship Afiliere: Harvard U./GRSP Society MPP student/president Senior Publicații: Gill, Indermit S.; Ozer, Ceren; Tatucu, Radu, What Can Countries in Other Regions Learn from Social Security Reform in Latin America?, World Bank Research Observer, Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2008//Co-author chapter 1, An overview. An East Asian renaissance. Ideas for economic growth. Indermit Gill, Homi Kharas, 2007 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development www.grspsociety.org/member/radu-tatucu; www.kokkalisfoundation.gr/page.ashx?pid=14&aid=376&cid=15&qcid=71; www.fundatiadinupatriciu.ro/ro/program_detalii/2/203/Comunitate/user/radu_tatucu
Mariana Spatareanu Domenii: international economics, macroeconomics Afiliere: Rutgers U. Assistant Professor of Economics Senior Publicații: “Trade Openness and Income – A Re-examination” with V. Manole (Economics Letters, vol. 106(1), 2010)//“Host Country’s Governance and the Size of Foreign Investors” with V. Lskavyan (Economics Letters, vol. 100 (2), 2008) andromeda.rutgers.edu/~marianas/
Bogdan Leon Stacescu Domenii: international finance Afiliere: BI Norwegian School of Management Associate Professor Senior Publicații: Brumen, Gorazd and Stacescu, Bogdan, Financial Effects of External Auditing (March 2, 2008). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1101205 //Karapetyan, Artashes and Stacescu, Bogdan, Information Sharing and Information Acquisition in Credit Markets (August 17, 2008). CentER Discussion Paper Series No. 2009-36S. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1269344 www.bi.no/en/Research/Academic-homepage/?ansattid=a0810227; www.swissfinanceinstitute.ch/phd_program/phd_program_graduates/phd_program_graduates_stacescu.htm; www.personal.ceu.hu/students/02/Leon_Stacescu/cv.htm; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=596902
Daniel Andrei Domenii: international finance Afiliere: Lausanne U. Ph.D. Candidate Senior Publicații: Volatility Clustering with Learning and Model Heterogeneity, with Michael Hasler (2010)// Global Public Signals, Heterogeneous Beliefs and Stock Markets Comovement, with Julien Cujean (2010) www.danielandrei.net/
Agatha Murgoci Domenii: international finance Afiliere: Copenhagen Business School Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Gaspar, R.M. and A.Murgoci (2009) – “”Convexity Adjustments”” in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance (Ed. by R. Cont), Wiley Finance, forthcoming//Murgoci, Agatha, Vulnerable Options and Good Deal Bounds – A Structural Model (February 20, 2008). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1096584 sites.google.com/site/agathamurgoci/home; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=359212
Crina Pungulescu Domenii: international finance, market integration Afiliere: Toulouse Barcelona Business School Professor of Finance Senior Publicații: Baele, Lieven, Pungulescu, Crina and Ter Horst, Jenke R., Model Uncertainty, Financial Market Integration and the Home Bias Puzzle. Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2007. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=995177 // Pungulescu, Crina, Measuring Financial Market Integration: An Application for the East-European New Member States (September 22, 2008). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1271891 www.tilburguniversity.edu/research/institutes-and-research-groups/center/cs/members/pungulescu.html; www.esc-toulouse.fr/fr/f397/professeur/PUNGULESCU-Crina.html
Ioana Petrescu Domenii: international health, taxation, entrepreneurship in developing countries Afiliere: Maryland U./American Enterprise Institute Assistant Professor/Adjunct Scholar Senior Publicații: Ph.D. thesis: Essays in Taxation and International Relations; Job Market Paper: The Humanitarian Impact of Economic Sanctions publicpolicy.umd.edu/directory/petrescu; www.aei.org/aei-website/managed-content/site-pages/national-research-initiative/nri-fellows.html
Melania Nica Domenii: international monetary economics Afiliere: LSE/University College London Ph.D. candidate/Teaching Assistant Junior Publicații: Workin Paper (2007) Moral Hazard, Precautionary Savings and Capital Accumulation www.ucl.ac.uk/economics/people/assist/nica; econ.lse.ac.uk/staff/nica_melania/
Bogdan Deleanu Domenii: international policy Afiliere: Europuls External politics coordinator NULL Publicații: Website articles FSP, U Bucuresti, sectia engleza//Institul de Studii Europene, Universitatea Libera Bruxelles//asistent eurodeputat
Maria Chican Domenii: international policy Afiliere: Europuls/Fundația Paneuropa România Colaborator permanent/Reprezentant birou Bruxelles Fundatia Paneuropa Romania NULL Publicații: Website articles U Bucuresti
Ciprian Calin Alionescu Domenii: international relations, ethnic studies Afiliere: Cincinnati U. Ph.D. candidate Senior Publicații: Conference Paper 2006, Belgrade: Parlamentary representation of ethnic minorities in Romania// Conference paper, University of Nebraska, 33rd annual European Studies Conference, 2008: The European Foreign Policy and Its Application of the Theory of Coercive Diplomacy during the Dissolution of Second Yugoslavia (1991-1995) www.artsci.uc.edu/collegedepts/polisci/grad/profile_details.aspx?ePID=MTYyOTkw
Alexandru Balas Domenii: international relations, peace keeping Afiliere: Illinois U. Ph.D. candidate Political Science/Research Assistant Senior Publicații: “A Hardware Called “Islam” and a Software called “Democracy”, Civitas ’99Alumni Volumes, Vol. V, November-December, 2005//“The Impact of Political Structures on 3rd Party Intervention in the context of the European Union”, paper accepted for presentation at the International Studies Association 48th Annual Convention, Chicago, February 28th-March 3rd, 2007 www.un.int/romania/cvalexandrubalas.htm; www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/profile/balexandru1981
Roxana Barbulescu Domenii: job mobility, identity construction, organizational behaviour Afiliere: McGill U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Ibarra, Herminia and Roxana Barbulescu. 2010. Identity as narrative: Prevalence, effectiveness and consequences of narrative identity work in macro work role transitions. Academy of Management Review, 35(1): 135-154./Barbulescu, Roxana. 2005. Playing by the rules: A social network perspective on preparing for radical career change. In K. Mark Weaver (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. people.mcgill.ca/roxana.barbulescu/;
Laura Bretea Domenii: justice & internal affairs Afiliere: Europuls Justice and internal affairs coordinator NULL Publicații: Website articles SNSPA//U Paris X//U Paris I
Valeriu Omer Domenii: labor economics Afiliere: ERS Group Research Economist/PhD Senior Publicații: PhD thesis (2005) Wage Growth, Search and Experience: Theory and Evidence; MA dissertation (1999) In Search for a Stable Money Demand Function for Transition Economies. The Case of Hungary and Romania www.ersgroup.com/staff_bio_omev.asp; www.econ.ceu.hu/?q=node/91
Ruxandra Visan Domenii: labor economics Afiliere: CEU Research Assistant Senior Publicații: MA diseration CEU (2002) Gross Job Flows in Romania, Industry Versus Service Sector/ Earle, John S., Brown, J. David, Gimpelson, Vladimir, Kapeliushnikov, Rostislav, Lehmann, Hartmut F., Telegdy, Almos, Vantu, Irina, Visan, Ruxandra and Voicu, Alexandru, Nonstandard Forms and Measures of Employment and Unemployment in Transition: A Comparative Study of Estonia, Romania, and Russia. Upjohn Institute Staff Working Paper No. 06-127 papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=583025#; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5 ; www.iza.org/en/webcontent/personnel/vitae/voicu_cv.pdf
Alexandru Voicu Domenii: labor economics Afiliere: City University of New York/Institute for the Study of Labor Doctoral Faculty/Research Fellow Senior Publicații: “Employment Dynamics in the Romanian Labor Market. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach” Journal of Comparative Economics 33 (3), September 2005, pp 604-639./The Effect of the Timing and Spacing of Births on the Level of Labor Market Involvement of Married Women by Kenneth Troske, Alexandru Voicu, 2009, IZA Discussion Paper 4417 www.iza.org/en/webcontent/personnel/photos/index_html?key=625; www.library.csi.cuny.edu/~pep/voicu.htm
Ioana Dan Domenii: labor economics Afiliere: Toronto U. Ph.D. Candidate Senior Publicații: Job Reallocation in Romania and Bulgaria: a survey based comparison, 2004//Gender Based Self-Selection into Industries and Occupations: Evidence from Displaced Workers 2010 individual.utoronto.ca/ioana_dan/index.html
Mircea Trandafir Domenii: labor economics, econometrics Afiliere: Sherbrooke U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: “The Effect of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on Different-Sex Marriage: Evidence from theNetherlands,” November 2009, winner of the 2008 Award for the Best Comparative Article Presented at an APPAM Research Conference/ “Banking Sector Stability, Efficiency and Outreach in Kenya” (with Thorsten Beck, Robert Cull, Michael Fuchs, Jared Getenga, Peter Gatere, and John Randa), forthcoming in Christopher Adam, Paul Collier, and Njuguna Ndung’u (eds.), Kenya: Policies for Prosperity. Also available as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5442, October 2010. pages.usherbrooke.ca/mtrandafir/index.php?lang=en
Ioana Marinescu Domenii: labor economics, public economics Afiliere: Chicago U. Assistant Professor of Economics Senior Publicații: Marinescu, “”Job Security Legislation and Job Duration: Evidence from the U.K.””, Journal of Labor Economics, 2009, vol. 27, no. 3 (p. 475-486)//Aghion, Marinescu, “”Cyclical budgetary policy and growth: what do we learn from OECD panel data?””, Macroeconomics Annual 2007, Volume 22 (p. 251 – 278) harrisschool.uchicago.edu/faculty/web-pages/ioana-marinescu.asp; www.marinescu.eu/
Denisa Maria Sologon Domenii: labour economics, earning dinamics Afiliere: Maastricht U./CEPS/IZA Researcher Senior Publicații: Sologon, Denisa M. 2009. Earnings dynamics and inequality among men in Luxembourg, 1988-2004: Evidence from administrative data. MGSOG Working Series (December).//Sologon, Denisa M., and O’Donoghue, Cathal. 2009. Earnings dynamics and inequality among men across 14 EU countries: evidence from ECHP. IZA Working Series, No. 4012 (February). www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Schools/MGSoG/Thema1/AboutUs/Staff/AffiliatedResearchers/DenisaMariaSologon.htm; www.iza.org/en/webcontent/personnel/vitae/5001_cv.pdf
Andreea Mitrut Domenii: labour economics, public economics Afiliere: Uppsala U. Research Fellow Senior Publicații: Ph.D. thesis (2008) Four Essays on Interhousehold Transfers and Institutions in Post-Communist Romania/ “Social Norms and Gift Behavior: Theory and Evidence from Romania” (with Katarina Nordblom), European Economic Review, forthcoming 2010 www.nek.uu.se/StaffPages/CV/CV208.pdf; katalog.uu.se/empInfo/?id=N8-1071
Balint Balogh Domenii: local development Afiliere: CEU/Twente U. MA Public Policy graduate/MSc in Public Administration Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2008) Public Private-Partnerships in Cluj-Napoca. Development Tool for Local Communities publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0708; www.anses.rs/2009/bgd2009.htm
Radu Oprea Domenii: local policy, participative democracy Afiliere: Dunarea de Jos U. Ph.D. candidate Economics Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Entrepreneurship in Times of Economic and Financial Crisis. Methods of adaptation and survival. publicpolicy.pepperdine.edu/alumni/blogs/; raduoprea.eu/en/
Koen Schoors Domenii: macroeconomic policy; foreign direct investment Afiliere: Ghent University & Vlerick Leuven Ghent Business School Economics Professor & Director of CERISE (Center for Russian International Socio-political and Economic Studies) NULL Publicații: 2005 (workshop paper) Conditional Spillovers from FDI Within and Between Sectors: Evidence from Romania NULL
Andreea Bicu Domenii: macroeconomics, development economics, econometrics Afiliere: Maastricht U. Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Eurozone and monetary policy www.fdewb.unimaas.nl/algec/phd_students_AE2.asp; www.fundatiadinupatriciu.ro/ro/program_detalii/2/203/Comunitate/user/andreea_bicu; econosofia.wordpress.com/membri/
Cosmin Ilut Domenii: macroeconomics, international finance Afiliere: Duke U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Ph.D. Thesis: News and Expectation Formation: Some Implications for MacroeconomicModels./ Working Paper: Ambiguity Aversion: Implications for the Uncovered Interest Rate Parity Puzzle. econ.duke.edu/people?Gurl=%2Faas%2FEconomics&Uil=cli2&subpage=profile
Mihnea Moldoveanu Domenii: management, organizational sociology Afiliere: Toronto U. Professor of Integrative Thinking Senior Publicații: “”Why and How do Theory Groups Get Ahead in Organization Science?,”” Moldoveanu, M.C., Strategic Organization, Vol. 7 (3), 2009//A Science Too Cruel for Words: Understanding by Intervening, Moldoveanu, M.C., under review, Stanford University Press, 2009 www.rotman.utoronto.ca/facbios/viewFac.asp?facultyID=micamo; mihneamoldoveanu.com/Books/books.htm
Cristian Ghinea Domenii: media studies, EU institutions and policies Afiliere: Romanian Centre for European Policies NULL NULL Publicații: NULL NULL
Ioana Avadani Domenii: media studies Afiliere: Centre for Independent Journalism NULL NULL Publicații: NULL NULL
Adina Baya Domenii: media policies Afiliere: U de Vest Timisoara PhD/Asistent Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2007) The Concentration of Media Ownership in Romania: Supporting or Challenging Pluralism and Media Freedom? publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0607; www.filcom.polsci.uvt.ro/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=105&Itemid=325; ro.linkedin.com/pub/adina-baya/18/a44/130/ro
Vladimir Mares Domenii: microeconomics, game theory, auction theory, industrial organization Afiliere: Washington U./INSEAD Assistant Professor/Visiting Professor of Economics Senior Publicații: “Full Surplus Extraction Straightforwardly” – (with Ronald Harstad) –Economic Theory 32 (2007) 399-410//“Industry Concentration in Common- Value Auctions: Theory and Evidence” – (with Mikhael Shor) – Economic Theory 35 (2008) 37-56 www.insead.edu/facultyresearch/faculty/profiles/vmares/; www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/mares/htm/personal/
Andreea Raluca Torre Domenii: migration Afiliere: LSE Ph.D. candidate Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Migration projects and settlement dynamics. Low-wage Romanian migrants in London and Rome www2.lse.ac.uk/sociology/whoswho/research%20students.aspx
Roxana Barbulescu Domenii: migration Afiliere: European University Institute Ph.D. candidate Political and Social Science Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: The Effect of Europeanization on the Social Integration of the ‘New’ EU Nationals in Europe eui.academia.edu/RoxanaBarbulescu; eudo-citizenship.eu/people/consortium-members/195-barbulescu-roxana
Daniela Spînu Domenii: migration Afiliere: Europuls/FSP U Bucuresti Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles FSP U Bucuresti/Erasmus ULB
Alin Chindea Domenii: migration Afiliere: Europuls/International Organization for Migration Permanent collaborator/ Regional Project Assistant NULL Publicații: MA disertation CEU(2006)Enhancing the benefits of migrant workers? remittances in Romania: drawing lessons from Latin America; articole website U Babeş-Bolyai/politici publice CEE
Andrei Stavilă Domenii: migration, citizenship Afiliere: European University Institute Ph.D. candidate Political and Social Science Senior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: No Land’s Man: A Normative Approach to Irregular Migration/(2010) ‘Paving the Road to Heaven with Bad Intentions. A Moral Point of View’, in Rainer Bauböck (ed.), Dual citizenship for transborder minorities? How to respond to the Hungarian-Slovak tit-for-tat, EUDO-Citizenship Working Paper, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy andreistavila.blogspot.com/p/curriculum-vitae.html; eui.academia.edu/AndreiStavila
Raluca Viman-Miller Domenii: migration, democratization, electoral behavior Afiliere: Georgia State U. Ph.D. candidate Political Science Senior Publicații: Ph.D. Dissertation: “A Transformative Effect of Migration on Tolerance? Theory Building on Democratic Learning with Empirical Investigation in Romania”/Fesnic, Florin N. and Viman-Miller, Raluca, What Drives the Vote for the Extreme Right? Absolute Vs. Relative Deprivation (2009). APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper. www2.gsu.edu/~wwwpol/Raluca_Viman-Miller_201008_Ph.D.doc; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1394415
Ileana Cristina Neagu Domenii: migration, international trade Afiliere: World Bank Economist Senior Publicații: “Remittance Stability, Cyclicality and Stabilizing Impact in Developing Countries” with M. Schiff (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5077, 2009)//“Is Protectionism on the Rise? Assessing National Trade Policies during the Crisis of 2008” with H.L. Kee and A. Nicita (World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5274, 2010) econ.worldbank.org/external/default/main?authorMDK=429197&theSitePK=469372&pagePK=64214821&menuPK=64214916&piPK=64214942
Corneliu Bolbocean Domenii: minorities, poverty Afiliere: Simon Fraser U. Ph.D. candidate Economics Senior Publicații: M.A. dissertation (2009) Visible Minorities’ Educational Choices in Canada/ Trade opportunities in Moldova”, Maine International Trade Center, 2006 www.econ.sfu.ca/Contacts/GraduateStudents.html; www.econ.sfu.ca/UpcomingDefenses.html; www.afpwebfolio.org/_files/5214_101.doc
Alina Barnett (fosta Grigoras) Domenii: monetary economics Afiliere: Bank of England Economist Senior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2001) Inflation Targeting; The Effects of EU Shocks on the Macrovariables of the Newly Acceded Countries – A Sign Restriction Approach A Barnett International Journal of Finance and Economics, August 2007 www.bankofengland.co.uk/research/staff/alina_barnett.htm; www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/staff/phd…/am.barnett_cv.pdf
Octavian Carare Domenii: observational learning, product demand Afiliere: Maryland U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Perotti, Enrico C. and Carare, Octavian, The Evolution of Bank Credit Quality in Transition Theory and Evidence From Romania (October 1996). CERT Discussion Paper No. 97/2//Carare, Octavian and Mares, Vlad N., Relative Performance Auctions (July 20, 2010). advanced.jhu.edu/academic/applied-economics/faculty/; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=30721
Corina Madalina Haita Domenii: oil markets, marcoeconomics Afiliere: CEU Ph.D. Candidate/Teaching Assistant Senior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2007) Game Theoretic Modeling of the World Oil Market. The Russian Gains from Strategic Behavior; Econometrics (March, 2006) (“”Does Unemployment Give Birth to More Children? Evidence from the USA””) www.ceu.hu/profiles/phd-student/corina-madalina_haita; www.personal.ceu.hu/students/05/Corina_Haita/
Dan S. Chiaburu Domenii: organizational behavior, human resources Afiliere: Texas A&M U. Assistant Professor of Management Senior Publicații: Danis, W. M., Chiaburu, D. S., & Lyles, M. A. (2010). A longitudinal study of entrepreneurs in a transition economy: When does competitive strategy matter most? Journal of International Business Studies, 41, 287-307.//Chiaburu, D. S., & Harrison, D. A. (2008). Do peers make the place? Conceptual synthesis and metaanalysis of coworker effects on perceptions, attitudes, OCBs, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 1082-1103. mays.tamu.edu/directory/employees/1042/
Sergiu Gherghina Domenii: party politics, democratization, ethnic mobilization Afiliere: Leiden U. Ph.D. candidate Political Science Senior Publicații: Sergiu Gherghina, “Unraveling Romance: The assessment of EU Support in candidate countries”, Comparative European Politics, vol. 8, no. 4, 2010.//Sergiu Gherghina and Doru Frantescu, “Improving Rookies’ Performance: An Assessment of the Romanian MEPs’ Activity”, European Review, vol. 18, no. 2 (April 2010), 155-175. www.socialsciences.leiden.edu/politicalscience/organisation/faculty/gherghina.html; www.personal.ceu.hu/students/05/Sergiu_Gherghina/
Cristina G. Badescu Domenii: peace and conflict studies, humanitarian intervention Afiliere: Toronto U. Sessional Lecturer Senior Publicații: BADESCU, Cristina, Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect. Security and Human Rights (Routledge, 2010, forthcoming)/BADESCU, Cristina, and BERGHOLM, Linnea, ‘The responsibility to protect and the conflict in Darfur: the big let-down’, (2009) 40(3) Security Dialogue 287-309 politics.utoronto.ca/faculty/profile/?id=127
Bianca Buligescu Domenii: policy evaluation, labour markets Afiliere: Maastricht U. Research fellow/ Ph.D. candidate Public Policy and Policy Analysis Senior Publicații: Panel estimates of the wage penalty for maternal leave Oxford Economic Papers, 2009, 61, (suppl_1), i35-i55//Working paper 2008 – Estimating the wage penalty for maternal leave Research Memoranda, Maastricht : ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Schools/MGSoG/Thema1/AboutUs/Staff/ResearchFellows1/PublicPolicyAndPolicyAnalysisPPPA20052008/BiancaBuligescu.htm; www.networksocialinnovation.nl/nsi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=72%3Abianca-buligescu&catid=2&Itemid=4; econpapers.repec.org/RAS/pbu185.htm
Sebastian Adrian Popa Domenii: political behaviour, research methodology Afiliere: CEU Ph.D. candidate Political Science Senior Publicații: M.A. dissertation: Does Difference in Information Really Mean Better Electoral Decisions?//Fazekas Zoltán and Sebastian Popa. Perceptions about the Introduction of the Flat-tax in Romania: an Exploratory Study. In ed. Radu Nechita: The Flat-Tax Introduction in Romania. Cluj-Napoca: EFES Publishing House. Forthcoming 2010. www.ceu.hu/profiles/phd-student/sebastian-adrian_popa
Daniel Pop Domenii: political economy Afiliere: CEU/CENPO Ph.D./Director Senior Publicații: Ph.D. thesis CEU (2007) Policy Change, Growth and Converegence Processes. The Experience of the CEE-10 Countries during EU Accession Negotiations; Pop, Daniel (Ed.) (2007) Regional Development in South East Europe – Lessons and Challenges Ahead, published by Fiscal Decentralization Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, Hungary. www.see-educoop.net/aeiq/cv/pop.pdf; www.cenpo.ro/cenpo/Consiliul-Director.html; cps.ceu.hu/pop.html
Timea Pal Domenii: political economy Afiliere: MIT Ph.D. candidate Political Science Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Integrating governance systems in Central and Eastern Europe: social and environmental responsibility in the electronics industry// business.ceu.hu/iri/people
Razvan Vlaicu Domenii: political economy, development Afiliere: Maryland U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Democracy, Credibility and Clientelism, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, October 2008, 24 (2), pp. 371-406, with Philip Keefer.; www.econ.umd.edu/faculty/profiles/vlaicu#bio
Cristina Bodea Domenii: political institutions, political economy Afiliere: Michigan State U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Bodea, Cristina and Huemer, Stefan. October 2010. “Dancing together at arm’s length? The interaction of central banks with governments in the G7″”. European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series No. 120.; Bodea, Cristina and Ibrahaim Elbadawi. August 2008. “”Political Violence and Economic Growth.”” World Bank Working Paper 4692, August 2008. polisci.msu.edu/index.php/people/faculty/item/faculty/cristina-bodea;
Sebastian Burca Domenii: political parties, comparative democratization Afiliere: Northwestern U. Ph.D. candidate Political Science Junior Publicații: Paper: “Corruption and Internal Party Organization: Evidence from Bulgaria and Romania.” Sebastian Burca, 2002, Northwestern University. www.polisci.northwestern.edu/graduate/current_studs.html
Oana Dan Domenii: political sociology, public opinion, civil society Afiliere: Harvard U. Ph.D. candidate Sociology Junior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Influence of elite discourse on public opinion in the European Union over time and across countries. www.wjh.harvard.edu/soc/gs/Dan_Oana/; www.ces.fas.harvard.edu/people/p170.html
Veronica Szabo Domenii: political sociology, sociology of youth and culture, Eastern Europe Afiliere: Pittsburgh U. Ph.D. candidate Sociology/Teaching fellow Senior Publicații: Writing on the Wall: Bucharest Grafitti, December 1989 (with John Markoff)//National Movements and Transnational Contexts: Postcommunist Europe’s Roma (with Eva Riecanska, John Markoff and Mihnea Vasilescu) www.sociology.pitt.edu/graduate/students.php ; pittsburgh.academia.edu/VeronicaSzabo/About; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=29708962&authType=name&authToken=JYdp&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Mihaela Mihai Domenii: political theory, comparative constitutionalism Afiliere: Coimbra U. Post-doctoral Fellow Senior Publicații: 2010 “Transitional Justice and the Quest for Democracy: A Contribution to a Political Theory of Democratic Transformations,” in Ratio Juris. An International Journal inJurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 23(2), pp. 183–204./2006 “Democracy and Criminal Law Rights” in the Central European University Political Science Journal, 1(2). www.ethics.utoronto.ca/index.php?p_id=147&id=4; sites.google.com/site/mihaipolitics/curriculum-vitae; www.ces.uc.pt/myces/UserFiles/curriculos/investigador_452_cv_20101111_1020.pdf
George Bogdan Popa Domenii: political theory, comparative politics Afiliere: Indiana U. Ph.D. candidate Senior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of John Stuart Mill’s Gender Tensions/“The Priority of National Interest and its Consequences.” Rights, Identities, and CivilAssociation Workshop, New Europe College. Bucharest (June 2002) www.indiana.edu/~iupolsci/graduate_bio_popa_iframe.shtml
Iuliana Cosmina Tanasoiu Domenii: post-communism, public intellectuals, Europeanization Afiliere: American University in Bulgaria Associate Professor Senior Publicații: “The Romanian Intellectuals Post-Communist Discourses” ECPR Annual Conference, Budapest September 2005/“Post-Communist Political Symbolism: New Myths – Same Old Stories? An Analysis of Romanian Political Mythology” Romanian Journal of Political Science – PolSci, Spring/Summer 2005 www.aubg.bg/facultyPopup.aspx?fid=63; www.aubg.bg/profs/ctanasoiu/tanasiou.pdf; www.ces.fas.harvard.edu/people/p156.html
Elena Darina Lepadatu Domenii: post-communist societies, sociology of work and organizations Afiliere: Kennesaw State U. Associate Director/Assistant Professor of Sociology Senior Publicații: International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Volume 8, Issue 12, Lepadatu, Darina, Theorizing Teamwork: A Classical Sociological Approach, pp.85-90//Darina Lepadatu, “Theorizing Teamwork: A Classical Sociological Approach” 8th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Cambridge University, UK, August 5-8, 2008. scj.hss.kennesaw.edu/about/faculty-staff/darina-lepadatu/; www.kennesaw.edu/scj/docs/Newsletter/fa08.pdf; darinalepadatu1.cgpublisher.com/
Marian Negoita Domenii: post-communist transition, development, energy markets, child protection Afiliere: California U. Research Associate Senior Publicații: Negoita, Marian, The Social Bases of Development: Hungary and Romania in Comparative Perspective (May 2006). Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 209-238, 2006./Marian Negoita , A Model in the Desert: Modernization, Advanced Liberalism, and Child Protection Reform in Postcommunist Romania, Politics & Society, March 2010; vol. 38, 1: pp. 95-117 www.ucdavis.edu/search/directory_results.shtml?filter=Marian+Negoita; papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=374514;
Andreea Raluca Maierean Domenii: post-communist transitions Afiliere: Boston U. Ph.D. Candidate Political Science Senior Publicații: Ph.D. project: A Comparative Study of Lustration in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Poland/The Media Coverage of The Romanian Revolution – Andreea Maierean, Lumen Publishing House, 2006 people.bu.edu/maierean/index.html
Cristian Marius Litan Domenii: public economy Afiliere: Babes Bolyai U. Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: N. S. Kukushkin, C. M. Litan, F. Marhuenda (2007), ´´On the GenericFiniteness of Equilibrium Outcome Distributions in Bimatrix Game Forms´´,Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming/ C. M. Litan, G. Guggiola (2004), ´´Two Coalitions as a Possible EquilibriumOutcome in a Proportional Representation System´´, Romanian Journal ofSociety and Politics, Vol. 4, No. 2: 58-65. www.econ.ubbcluj.ro/cv.php?id=287; www.eco.uc3m.es/temp/cv_cristianlitan.pdf
Serban Iorga Domenii: public opinion Afiliere: Columbia U. Ph.D. candidate in Sociology/Research Associate Senior Publicații: Working Paper: Oscar Torres-Reyna, Serban Iorga, Robert Y. Shapiro, “Confidence in Major Companies: A Comparative and Multilevel Approach”, December 2003//Part of the National Credibility Index research team. www.salliemitchell.com/nciexec.pdf; www.columbia.edu/cu/romanian/members.html
Suzana Dobre Domenii: Public Policy Afiliere: Romanian Academic Society Expert NULL Publicații: NULL www.sar.org.ro
Flavia Raluca Jurje Domenii: public policy analysis, market and government failure, transportation policy Afiliere: U Zurich Visiting Researcher/PhD candidate/teaching assistant Senior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2006) Rethinking the transport and parking policies in Cluj-Napoca city: lessons from Swiss cities’ practice publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0506 ; www.ipz.uzh.ch/institut/mitarbeitende/ehemaligemitarbeitende/jurje_en.html
Rodica Moroi Domenii: Roma, education Afiliere: Roma Education Fund Consultant Junior Publicații: MA dissertaion CEU (2007) The Moldovan and Latvian path towards democratic market society : focus on identity politics/ www.romaeducationfund.hu/ref-headquarters-hungary; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=27390289&authType=name&authToken=ghE5&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Mihai Surdu Domenii: Roma, segregation Afiliere: Roma Education Fund Research and Policy Development Manager Senior Publicații: Article Key issues and approaches in Roma education in ENARgy, European Network against Racism, February 2010/ The Quality of Education in Romanian Schools with High Percentages of Romani Pupils, Roma Rights Review, no.3-4/ 2003, European Roma Rights Center, Budapest www.policy.hu/surdu/aboutme.pub.htm; www.romaeducationfund.hu/ref-headquarters-hungary
Ana Cosima Rughinis Domenii: Roma, segregation Afiliere: Bucuresti U., Fac Sociologie Associate Professor Senior Publicații: Rughinis, Cosima (2010). Quantitative tales of ethnic differentiation. Measuring and using Roma / Gypsy ethnicity in statistical analyses. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Publicat online, 14 octombrie 2010//Rughinis, Cosima (2010). The forest behind the bar charts. Bridging survey data and community studies about the Roma/Ţigani in present-day Romania. In Patterns of Prejudice, 44: 4, 337 – 367 sites.google.com/site/cosimarughinis/contact; www.policy.hu/fellows/anarughinis; www.unibuc.ro/prof/rughinis_a_c/index.php; sites.google.com/site/cosimarughinis/contact
Stefan Dorondel Domenii: rural development; postsocialist land reforms Afiliere: Max Planck Institute for Social Antropology/Institutul de Antropologie Bucuresti Co-operation Partner/Researcher NULL Publicații: (current) Social Security and Local State in Postsocialist Village in Southern Romania//2009 Property, Access, and State Legitimacy:Emergent Political Orders in Albanian and Romanian Forests. Development and Change 40(1): 171-193 (with Thomas Sikor and Johannes Stahl)//2005 The ‘Voices’ of the Romanian Integration into EU: Land and Environmental Practices in a Village from Dobroudja. The Anthropology of East Europe Review 23(2): 30-40. NULL
Manuel Mireanu Domenii: security studies, international relations Afiliere: CEU PhD candidate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2008) The European Union foreign policy in the Black Sea region : border discourses, security and legitimacy www.ceu.hu/profiles/phd-student/manuel_mireanu; www.dynamis.3x.ro/membri/m_mireanu.htm
Emanuela Iancu Domenii: social networks, economics Afiliere: European University Institute Ph.D. candidate economics NULL Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Reputation sells. The Network-Dynamics of Reputation and its Impact on Trust www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/Economics/People/Researchers/Researchers2007-2008.aspx; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=6427514&authType=name&authToken=-DdG&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Silvia Avram Domenii: social policies, family policies Afiliere: European University Institute Ph.D. candidate sociology Senior Publicații: Ph.D. topic: Anti-Poverty Policies in Central and Eastern Europe// (with Jaap Dronkers) (2009) “Choice and Effectiveness of Private and Public Schools in seven countries. A reanalysis of three PISA data sets”. Zeitschrift für die Pedagogik, Jahrgang 55, Heft 6, pp.895-909. www.eui.eu/Personal/Researchers/Avram/Index.htm
Diana Gabor Domenii: social policy Afiliere: Gazeta de Cluj Reporter social Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2009) Frame Analysis of Maternity Leave Policies in Post-Socialist Romania publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0809; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=42899867&authType=name&authToken=tER1&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore
Alina Gîrbea Domenii: social policy Afiliere: Europuls/European Parliament Society coordinator NULL Publicații: Website articles FSP, U Bucuresti//ULB//Science Po//consilier Cristian Preda
Diana Tipei Domenii: social policy Afiliere: Europuls Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles; proiect SDW: “”România: vecin îndepărtat sau rampă de lansare profesională?”” U Eberhard-Karl din Tübingen//bursier SDW(Fundatia Economiei Germane)//
Daniela Andren Domenii: social policy, labour economics, health economics Afiliere: Göteborg U./Örebro U. Research fellow/Assistant Professor Senior Publicații: Andrén, D. (2008) “”First Exits from the Swedish Labor Market Due to Disability””, Population Research & Policy Review, 27(2), 227-38./Andrén, D. (2007), ”Long-term absenteeism due to sickness in Sweden. How long does it take and what happens after?”, European Journal of Health Economics 8, 41-50. www.handels.gu.se/~econdpop/index_files/Page331.htm
Ioan-Mihai Popa Domenii: social policy; access to resources Afiliere: Max Planck Institute for Social Antropology Ph.D Candidate NULL Publicații: (current)A study of access to resources in two villages from Dobrogea, Romania absolvent SNSPA; BA Sociologie & MA Antropologie
Irina Burlacu Domenii: social security, social policy Afiliere: Maastricht U. Research fellow/Ph.D. candidate Public Policy and Policy Analysis Senior Publicații: Burlacu I. (2007) “”Welfare State Regimes in Transition Countries: Romania and Moldova Compared””, Central European University Political Science Journal, Vol. 2., No. 3./Working paper: Welfare of Cross-Border Workers: The Role of Tax and Social Security Agreements: Case of Luxembourg and Belgium, 2010 www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Schools/MGSoG/Thema1/AboutUs/Staff/ResearchFellows1/PublicPolicyAndPolicyAnalysisPPPA20092012/IrinaBurlacu.htm
John Gledhill Domenii: state formation, democratization, contemporary history of Romania Afiliere: LSE Fellow Senior Publicații: “”Living Beyond the Past: Romania since 1989,”” in Sharon Wolchik and Jane Curry eds. Central and East European Politics: From Communism to Democracy (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008. Updated, 2010). Co-author with Charles King./Gledhill, John (2009) O maturitate imperfectă: ce ne spun alegerile din noiembrie despre evoluţia democraţiei romaneşti (“”An imperfect maturity: what the November elections tell us about the evolution of Romanian democracy””), Sfera Politicii, Vol.134, May www2.lse.ac.uk/government/whosWho/profiles/jggledhill-lseacuk/Home.aspx; www2.lse.ac.uk/researchAndExpertise/Experts/profile.aspx?KeyValue=j.g.gledhill-lse.ac.uk
Mihai Copaciu Domenii: taxation, intergovernmentalfinance Afiliere: BNR Senior Economist Senior Publicații: Mihai Copaciu & Florian Neagu & Horia Braun-Erdei, 2010. “”Survey evidence on price-setting patterns of Romanian firms,”” Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 31(2-3), pages 235-247// MA dissertation (2004) Nominal Price Rigidities: Empirical Evidence From Hungarian Supermarkets ideas.repec.org/f/pco406.html#affiliation; www.econus.ma.ceu.hu/?q=node/5; www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=8003599&authType=name&authToken=xAk9&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&pohelp=&trk=ppro_viewmore; lgi.osi.hu/publications/2007/363/Fast_Track.pdf
Roland Muller Domenii: telecommunications policy; corporate social responsibility Afiliere: International Labour Organization/CEU Policy & Communication Officer/MA Public Policy graduate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation (2006) Rationales for corporate social responsibility in the telecommunications domain: the cases of Magyar Telekom Group and Tele2 Hungary publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0506 ; www.personal.ceu.hu/students/05/Roland_Muller/resume.doc
Laura Ranca Domenii: telecommunications policy; media policy Afiliere: Loughborough PhD candidate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2008) Network nEUtrality by Policy Design: Empowering the European Consumer; PhD project title: Bridging Theory, Policy and Practice in Media Development. The Case of UN Agencies in Romania and Democratic Republic of the Congo publicpolicy.ceu.hu/studies/ma-theses-0708; www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ss/staff/research_students/ranca.html; www.cmcs.ceu.hu/about-us/people/laura-ranca
Cristina Buzaşu Domenii: telecomunication, energy, neighborhood policies Afiliere: Europuls/European Parliament Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles ASE//LSE//President at European Society London School of Economics//blog
Daniela Lup Domenii: transition economies, strategic management Afiliere: LSE Lecturer Senior Publicații: Ph.D. dissertation: Status and Surprises: Causes of Reaction to New Information about Firm Performance/Yakubovich, Valery and Daniela Lup (2006). “Stages of the Recruitment Process and the Referrer’s Performance Effect”. Organization Science. 17(6). 710-723 www.lse.ac.uk/collections/EROB/staff/academicStaff/lup.htm;
Catalina Turcu Domenii: urban development Afiliere: LSE Ph.D. graduate Senior Publicații: Ph.D. Title (2010) Examining the impact of housing-refurbishment-led regeneration on community sustainabilty: a study of three Housing Market Renewal areas in England./ 2009 – “The Built Environment and Health Inequalities” – Report for the Marmot Review of Health Inequalities: Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010; sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/adds/CatalinaT/CatalinaTcv.pdf; www2.lse.ac.uk/socialPolicy/whosWho/Researchstudents/Recentcompletions.aspx
Mihnea Constantinescu Domenii: urban policies Afiliere: Zurich U. post doc researcher Senior Publicații: Ph.D. dissertation Zurich U. (2009) Risk and return in the Swiss property market// www.phd-finance.uzh.ch/People/Constantinescu.html; www.isb.uzh.ch/cms/institute/professoren_165_624.html?type=publications&emp_id=182http://www.swissfinanceinstitute.ch/phd_program/phd_program_graduates/phd_graduates_constantinescu.htm
Corina Graif Domenii: urban sociology, stratification and mobility, organizations/network Afiliere: Harvard U. Ph.D. candidate Sociology Senior Publicații: Graif, Corina and Robert J. Sampson. 2009. “”Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects of Immigration and Diversity on Neighborhood Homicide Rates.”” Homicide Studies 13(3): 242-260./Sampson, Robert J. and Corina Graif. 2009. “Neighborhood Social Capital as Differential Social Organization: Resident and Leadership Dimensions”. American Behavioral Scientist 52(11):1579-1605. www.wjh.harvard.edu/soc/gs/Graif_Corina/; www.ces.fas.harvard.edu/people/p178.html
Florin N. Feşnic Domenii: voting behavior, electoral systems, Eastern Europe Afiliere: Babeş-Bolyai U., Centrul de Studiere a Democratiei Researcher Senior Publicații: Florin Feşnic. (Forthcoming), 2010. “”The Demand-Side of Euro-Skepticism in Eastern and Western Europe: Romania and France.”” In F. Peter Wagner (ed.), Romania in the European Union: Challenges, Pathways, and Prospects. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing.//Florin Feşnic. 2007. “”Does Romania Have One Extreme Right or Two?”” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL; www.florinfesnic.us/
Oana Gogioiu Domenii: youth policy Afiliere: Europuls Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles U Paris II
Andreea Minea Domenii: youth policy; education Afiliere: Europuls/Science Po Dijon Permanent collaborator NULL Publicații: Website articles NULL
Stefan Cibian Domenii: NULL Afiliere: CEU PhD candidate/MA Public Policy Graduate NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2006) Foreign aid in disarray: theoretical gaps and policy failures NULL
Romona Uniță Domenii: NULL Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2006) Joining the EU’s multi-level system of governance – Is there an East European model of regionalization? The case of Hungary and Romania NULL
Andreea Nastase Domenii: NULL Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2006) Fighting corruption: an assessment of public service ethics in Romania (1999-2006) NULL
Roland Muller Domenii: NULL Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2006) Rationales for corporate social responsibility in the telecommunications domain: the cases of Magyar Telekom Group and Tele2 Hungary NULL
Flavia Jurje Domenii: NULL Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2006) Rethinking the transport and parking policies in Cluj-Napoca city: lessons from Swiss cities’ practice NULL
Andrea Gereoffy Domenii: NULL Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate NULL Publicații: MA disertation (2006) The influence of European integration on Hungary’s migration policies NULL
Raluca Pop Domenii: cultural policies Afiliere: CEU MA Public Policy graduate Junior Publicații: MA dissertation CEU (2011) Advocacy Initiatives for Public Culture and Democratic Vision in Transition Countries: Experiences from Romania. ceu.academia.edu/RalucaPop
Ciprian Domnişoru Domenii: Labour studies Afiliere: Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz School of Public Policy PhD candidate in Public Policy and Management Junior Publicații: Domnişoru, Ciprian [forthcoming]. Decent Work policy options for the Romanian economy, International Labour Organization, Integration Working Paper series, Geneva, Switzerland; 2011. The job stability of men working in gender non-traditional occupations; Masters Project; Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace/handle/10161/3572
Valentina Dimulescu Domenii: EU justice and internal affairs, EU institutional policy, EU competition law, EU foreign policy Afiliere: Central European University (CEU), Budapest; Zentrum fur Europaeische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), Bonn MA Political Science graduate Junior Publicații: “Tribunes or Specialists? An Analysis of the Romanian MEPs’ Questions”, CEU Political Science Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2011. ; “The Institution of Presidential Impeachment in Semi-Presidential Systems: Case Study of Romania”, Europolis: Journal of Political Science and Theory, Vol. 4. No. 7, July 2010. ; “Migrants at the gates: The external dimension of the EU’s migration policy in the South Mediterranean”, Interdisciplinary Political Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2011. ; Other: Policy memo: (cu Andrei Avram) „Banali în UE. Politica românească de redobândire a cetăţeniei în comparaţie cu alte state din UE”, CRPE Policy Memo nr. 22, iulie 2011. Preluat în The Economist: E. Lucas, “Your (Romanian) passport”, 1 august, 2011. „Un pas înainte? O interpretare neofuncţionalistă a modificărilor din cadrul PESC şi PESA aduse de Tratatul de la Lisabona”, în Sergiu Gherghina, George Jiglău, Ovidiu Pecican, Flore Pop (eds.) Ce aduce nou Tratatul de la Lisabona?, Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2010. „Cazurile antitrust şi angajamentele în sectorul energetic”, ROEC, Petroleum Industry Review Magazine, October 2011.; www.ceu.hu/sites/default/files/field_attachment/page/node-22181/vol-61.pdf, www.petroleumreview.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=51&Itemid=204, www.crpe.ro/library/files/policy_memo_22_ultima.pdf , www.crpe.ro/eng/library/files/crpe_policy_memo_22.pdf , www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2011/08/romania-and-citizenship , www.idps.unisi.it/issue2/39/migrants-at-the-gates-the-external-dimension-of-the-eu-s-migration-policy-in-the-south-mediterranean , europolis.politicalanalysis.ro/files/europolis72010.pdf,