The Integrity Pact stakeholder event – Together towards Clean Contracting: New developments and the road ahead organised on 28 November 2018 in Brussels is part of the Integrity Pacts (IP) project, a joint initiative of Transparency international (TI) and DG REGIO. It brought together stakeholders from all 17 Integrity Pacts: civil society partners, contracting authorities, managing authorities, contractors, as well as other important interested parties (anti-corruption authorities, public procurement offices), representatives of the European Commission (in particular DG REGIO), TI EU Liaison Office and TI Secretariat. Overall, approximately 120 participants attended the event.
The objective of the event was to showcase best practice and promote ambition in the existing Integrity Pacts. Three years into the project, we shared lessons learned, achievements and remaining challenges emerging from this collaboration. Furthermore, we took a look at the future and expanded the focus to look at Integrity Pacts within the broader clean contracting picture. We considered how different initiatives can build on and complement each other to strive for more efficient, effective and corruption free public procurement. The day consisted of both plenary and group sessions that covered different topics: lessons and impressions from stakeholders, results of a mid-term learning review recently conducted in the framework of the project, DG Regio’s perspective on the IP in the context of the latest trends in the area of public procurement, the issue of low competition and single-bidding in public procurement, ongoing efforts to break down barriers between different stakeholders involved in public procurement and how to foster greater transparency and openness and build coalition for action with better open data.
Please click on the Agenda – IP Stakeholder Event to see all the topics discussed and speakers involved!