Our Activities

Methodological approach for the overall action:

IPs aim to reduce corruption by creating public demand for accountability in the allocation of public funds. IPs will achieve this by establishing a CSO-led monitoring mechanism and by ensuring transparency of the monitored public procurement processes, thus creating opportunities for citizens to hold both public authorities and companies to account. At the same time, public officials and private companies will become more aware of the main corruption risks in public procurement and have a greater understanding of how to apply best practice promoted by the IP approach. Thus, the impact of this project will go far beyond the individual procurement procedures selected and address corruption in the EU more widely.

As detailed further below, the methodology that guides this project includes the following components:

  1. 1)  Effective project architecture
  2. 2)  Implementation of IPs with proper monitoring, stakeholder buy-in, technical rigor. This is supported through:
    a) Relevant, targeted and needs-based training and capacity-building for project beneficiaries

b) Well-designed monitoring, evaluation and learning environment

  1. 3)  Outreach and dissemination of results to citizens and public officials
  2. 4)  Active citizen engagement to secure social accountability

In Romania, we, the Romanian Academic Society, will monitor 3 contracts in partnership with MA OPAC and we will deliver, as main results:

  • 6 monitoring reports (for each contract) on all procurement stages;
  • 1 policy brief based on our monitoring experience, that will include recommendations on procurement policies and practices, as well as on the actual functioning of the Integrity Pact mechanism;
  • 1 horizontal analysis regarding corruption risks in the framework of the service contracts cofinanced by  EASF/ERDF;
  • 2 surveys regarding the Integrity pact (at the start and the conclusion of the project);
  • Offline and online communication