Since Romania was hit by the Covid crisis we have started to look more carefully into public procurement. We were expecting increased acquisitions of supplies of first necessity in this period. We are aware of the fact that many products are almost out of the market while the ones which are still available are expensive. […]
The Integrity Pact stakeholder event – Together towards Clean Contracting: New developments and the road ahead organised on 28 November 2018 in Brussels is part of the Integrity Pacts (IP) project, a joint initiative of Transparency international (TI) and DG REGIO. It brought together stakeholders from all 17 Integrity Pacts: civil society partners, contracting authorities, […]
One of the oldest weapons in Transparency International’s anti-corruption arsenal is the Integrity Pact, designed specifically to tackle corruption in public procurement – one of the biggest areas of corruption risk for governments. Infrastructure procurement faces particular risk of corruption due to projects’ complex contractual structure and size, frequent lack of transparency in the industry […]
Digital transformation is the next frontier for public procurement. That is why the European Commission is organising a conference to discuss the issues in Lisbon, Portugal on 18 October. Event date: 18/10/2018 & Location: Pátio da Galé, Praça do Comércio – West Wing, 1100-038 Lisbon, Portugal The digital transformation of public procurement will bring huge changes […]
Corruption in Latin America Lava Jato is Latin America’s largest corruption scandal to date. Brazilian prosecutors discovered that construction companies were colluding with employees of the state-owned oil company, Petrobras to win public works contracts (Fuentes, 2016). Those involved in the scheme stole billions of state dollars (Leahy, 2016; Sandy, 2016). Prosecutors further revealed that bribes paid […]
On 14 December 2017, Transparency International Secretariat organized the conference “Integrity Pact Stakeholder Event” in Bucharest. It focused on the results of the collaboration between the entities involved in the European project “Integrity Pacts”. A relatively new concept in Romania, the Integrity Pact is a civic control mechanism created by Transparency International in the 1990s […]
During 3 days (10 – 12 May 2017), the 17 projects inplementing the Integrity Pacts are present at the partners meeting in Vilnius, under the coordination of Transparency International Secretariat. The purpose of this working meeting is to exchange information about all projects, gather experiences and bring ideas for the better and wider implementation of […]
Yesterday, 5 April 2017, Transparency International Spain and the City Council of Madrid signed their agreement to launch the first Integrity Pact in Spain. It concerns the bid to select the company in charge of running the communication channels with citizens – online, phone and public offices – called Línea Madrid. This is a high […]
The Integrity Pact (IP) is a powerful tool developed by Transparency International (TI) to help governments, businesses and civil society fight corruption in public contracting. It consists of a process that includes an agreement between a government or government agency (‘the authority’) and all bidders for a public sector contract, setting out rights and obligations […]
Corruption in public procurement harms the public interest, undermines public trust and has a negative impact on people’s lives. However, tackling effectively corrupt and fraudulent activities is a challenging task and requires a complex approach. Civil society as effective anti-corruption actor can give a valuable input in promoting transparency, accountability and preventing corruption. In order […]